The Pink Panther: Season 3

EP1 - Panthergeist EP2 - Pinky's Pending Pink Slip EP3 - The Three Pink Porkers EP4 - The Heart of Pinkness EP5 - The Inspector's Most Wanted EP6 - Pinky Appleseed EP7 - Calling Dr. Panther EP8 - For Those Who Pink Young EP9 - Lights, Camera, Voodoo EP10 - I'm Dreaming of a Pink Christmas EP11 - Wiener Takes All EP12 - The Easter Panther EP13 - The Inspector's Club EP14 - A Royal Pain EP15 - Black & White & Pink All Over EP16 - Beach Blanket Pinky EP17 - Digging for Dollars EP18 - Pinknocchio EP19 - Pinky up the River EP20 - Long John Pinky EP21 - Muff the Magic Dragon EP22 - Pink Thumb EP23 - Pinky's Dilemma EP24 - Oh Varkula EP25 - Ice Blue Pink EP26 - Pink Trek EP27 - Pink Big EP28 - The Legend of El Pinko EP29 - Eric the Pink EP30 - Pretty and Pink EP31 - Built for Speed EP32 - The Pooch and the Panther EP33 - Pink in the Middle EP34 - Pink in the Poke EP35 - The Texas Toads EP36 - Driving Mr. Pink EP37 - The Ant and the Aardvark EP38 - Pinky in Toyland EP39 - The Detective of Oz EP40 - Royal Canadian Mounted Panther EP41 - Power of Pink EP42 - Voodoo Man EP43 - 7 Manly Men and the Kid EP44 - A Nut at the Opera EP45 - Hamm-n-Eggz EP46 - Pink's Ark EP47 - Rain or Snow or Pink of Night EP48 - Lifestyles of the Pink and Famous EP49 - Happy Trails Pinky EP50 - A Hard Day's Pink EP51 - You Only Pink Twice EP52 - It's Just a Gypsy in My Soup EP53 - Three Aliens and a Footstool EP54 - No Pink is an Island EP55 - Pinky and the Golden Fleece EP56 - Mummy Dearest EP57 - Feast or Famine EP58 - Home Stretch Pinky EP59 - Pink Pucks EP60 - The Reluctant Ninja EP61 - Pantherella

The Pink Panther

The Pink Panther is a 1993 animated television series, featuring the titular Pink Panther in various shorts intermixed with adventures of the Inspector, Ant and Aardvark, and numerous other characters from the original 1960s and 1970s cartoons. The panther is now voiced in every segment he appears in, now with a funky American accent rather than his original sophisticated English voice from two early cartoons to appeal to younger audiences.

First Air Date: 1993-09-12

Original Language: EN

Vote Average: 6.8

TMDB-ID: 14693

IMDB ID: tt0108895