King of the Hill: Season 3
EP1 - Death of a Propane Salesman
EP2 - And They Call It Bobby Love
EP3 - Peggy's Headache
EP4 - Pregnant Paws
EP5 - Next of Shin
EP6 - Peggy's Pageant Fever
EP7 - Nine Pretty Darn Angry Men
EP8 - Good Hill Hunting
EP9 - Pretty, Pretty Dresses
EP10 - A Firefighting We Will Go
EP11 - To Spank, with Love
EP12 - Three Coaches and a Bobby
EP13 - De-Kahnstructing Henry
EP14 - The Wedding of Bobby Hill
EP15 - Sleight of Hank
EP16 - Jon Vitti Presents: "Return to La Grunta"
EP17 - Escape from Party Island
EP18 - Love Hurts... and So Does Art
EP19 - Hank's Cowboy Movie
EP20 - Dog Dale Afternoon
EP21 - Revenge of the Lutefisk
EP22 - Death and Texas
EP23 - Wings of the Dope
EP24 - Take Me Out of the Ball Game
EP25 - As Old as the Hills...
King of the Hill
Set in Texas, this animated series follows the life of propane salesman Hank Hill, who lives with his overly confident substitute Spanish teacher wife Peggy, wannabe comedian son Bobby, and naive niece Luanne. Hank has conservative views about God, family, and country, but his values and ethics are often challenged by the situations he, his family, and his beer-drinking neighbors/buddies find themselves in.
First Air Date: 1997-01-12
Original Language: EN
Vote Average: 7.3
TMDB-ID: 2122
IMDB ID: tt0118375