Tom & Jerry Kids Show: Season 3

EP1 - The Planet Dogmania EP2 - McWolfula EP3 - Catawumpus Cat EP4 - Pest in the West EP5 - Double 'O' Droopy EP6 - Tom, the Babysitter EP7 - Gas Blaster Puss EP8 - Fear of Flying EP9 - Mess Hall Mouser EP10 - Toliver's Twist EP11 - Boomer Beaver EP12 - Pony Express Droopy EP13 - Krazy Klaws EP14 - Tyke on a Bike EP15 - Tarmutt of the Apes EP16 - Tom's Mermouse Mess-Up EP17 - Here's Sand in Your Face EP18 - Deep Space Droopy EP19 - Termi-Maid EP20 - The Fish That Shoulda Got Away EP21 - Droopy's Rhino EP22 - The Break 'n' Entry Boyz EP23 - Love Me, Love My Zebra EP24 - Dakota Droopy Returns EP25 - Doom Manor EP26 - Barbecue Bust-Up EP27 - The Fabulous Droopy & Dripple EP28 - S.O.S. Ninja EP29 - The Pink Powder Puff Racer EP30 - Car Wash Droopy EP31 - Go-pher Help EP32 - Downhill Droopy EP33 - Down in the Dumps EP34 - Catastrophe Cat EP35 - Droopy and the Dragon EP36 - Wildmouse II EP37 - Tom's Double Trouble EP38 - High Seas Hijinks EP39 - Just Rambling Along EP40 - The Watchcat EP41 - Go with the Floe EP42 - Pooches in Peril EP43 - Catch as Cat Can EP44 - I Dream of Cheezy EP45 - Fraidy Cat EP46 - Sing Along with Slowpoke EP47 - Dakota Droopy and the Great Train Robbery EP48 - Droopy Law EP49 - Stunt Cat EP50 - See No Evil EP51 - This Is No Picnic EP52 - Scrapheap Symphony EP53 - Circus Cat EP54 - Cajun Gumbo EP55 - Hunter Pierre EP56 - Battered Up! EP57 - Conquest of the Planet Irwin EP58 - Big Top Droopy EP59 - Jerry & the Beanstalk EP60 - High Speed Hounds EP61 - Penthouse Mouse EP62 - Twelve Angry Sheep EP63 - The Ant Attack EP64 - Mouse with a Message EP65 - It's the Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Dr. McWolf EP66 - Wild World of Bowling EP67 - Star Wrek EP68 - Droop & Deliver EP69 - Swallow the Swallow EP70 - Lightning Bolt-The Super Squirrel-Strikes Again EP71 - Surely You Joust EP72 - Rootin' Tootin' Slowpoke EP73 - Firehouse Mouse EP74 - The Wrath of Dark Wolf EP75 - Pound Hound EP76 - The Ghost of Castle McLochjaw EP77 - A Thousand Clones EP78 - Roughing It

Tom & Jerry Kids Show

Tom and Jerry in their childhood days, playing cat-and-mouse games even then.

First Air Date: 1990-09-08

Original Language: EN

Vote Average: 6.3

TMDB-ID: 4274

IMDB ID: tt0198254