Masha and the Bear: Season 4
EP1 - Where All Love to Sing
EP2 - Practice in Childhood - Das Ist Gut!
EP3 - Pink of Fashion
EP4 - No Work, All Carnival
EP5 - The Secret of Mashuko
EP6 - From England with Love
EP7 - Happy New Year... Again!
EP8 - When Cacti Bloom
EP9 - Spanish Tunes
EP10 - Once in the Wild West
EP11 - Eastern Fairy Tales
EP12 - Almost Ancient Greek Story
EP13 - The Magic Flute
Masha and the Bear
Masha is an energetic three-year-old who can’t seem to keep herself out of trouble. Bear is a warm, fatherly figure that does his best to guide his friend and keep her from harm, often ending up the unintended victim of her misadventures.
First Air Date: 2009-01-07
Original Language: RU
Vote Average: 6.9
TMDB-ID: 46080
IMDB ID: tt1884856