Animaniacs: Season 4
EP1 - One Flew Over The Cuckoo Clock
EP2 - Cutie And The Beast
EP3 - Boo Happens
EP4 - Noel
EP5 - Jokahontas
EP6 - Boids On The Hood
EP7 - Mighty Wakko At The Bat
EP8 - A Very Very Very Very Special Show
EP9 - Night of The Living Buttons
EP10 - Soda Jerk
EP11 - From Burbank with Love
EP12 - Anchors A-Warners
EP13 - When You're Traveling...
EP14 - Papers for Papa
EP15 - Amazing Gladiators
EP16 - Pinky And The Ralph
EP17 - Ten Short Films About Wakko Warner
EP18 - No Time For Love
EP19 - The Boo Network
EP20 - Pitter Patter of Little Feet
EP21 - Mindy In Wonderland
EP22 - Ralph's Wedding
The two Warner Brothers Yakko and Wakko and their Warner sister Dot had been (supposedly) created in the 1930's, but their cartoons were too screwy for the general public to handle. The three Warners were locked up in the studio water tower until they escaped in the 90's. There, they run wild, causing chaos everywhere!
First Air Date: 1993-09-13
Original Language: EN
Vote Average: 8.0
IMDB ID: tt0105941