Animaniacs: Season 3
EP1 - Deduces Wild
EP2 - Rest in Pieces
EP3 - U.N. Me
EP4 - Super Strong Warner Siblings
EP5 - Nutcracker Slappy
EP6 - Wakko's New Gookie
EP7 - A Quake, a Quake!
EP8 - Variety Speak
EP9 - Three Tenors and You're Out
EP10 - Bingo
EP11 - A Hard Day's Warners
EP12 - Gimme A Break
EP13 - Please Please Please Get a Life Foundation
EP14 - The Tiger Prince
EP15 - All the Words in the English Language
EP16 - The Kid In The Lid
EP17 - Method To Her Madness
EP18 - Gimme The Works
EP19 - Buttons in Ows
EP20 - Hercules Unwound
EP21 - This Pun For Hire
EP22 - Star Truck
EP23 - Go Fish
EP24 - Multiplication Song
EP25 - The Presidents Song
EP26 - Don't Tread on Us
EP27 - The Flame Returns, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
EP28 - The Sound of Warners
EP29 - Yabba Dabba Boo
EP30 - My Mother The Squirrel
EP31 - The Party
EP32 - Oh! Say Can You See?
EP33 - The 12 Days of Christmas Song
EP34 - Dot's Entertainment
EP35 - The Girl with the Googily Goop
EP36 - Gunga Dot
EP37 - Soccer Coach Slappy
EP38 - Belly Button Blues
EP39 - Our Final Space Cartoon, We Promise
EP40 - Valuable Lesson
EP41 - Wakko's 2-Note Song
EP42 - Panama Canal
EP43 - Hello Nurse
EP44 - The Ballad of Magellan
EP45 - The Return of the Great Wakkorotti
EP46 - The Big Wrap Party Tonight
The two Warner Brothers Yakko and Wakko and their Warner sister Dot had been (supposedly) created in the 1930's, but their cartoons were too screwy for the general public to handle. The three Warners were locked up in the studio water tower until they escaped in the 90's. There, they run wild, causing chaos everywhere!
First Air Date: 1993-09-13
Original Language: EN
Vote Average: 8.0
IMDB ID: tt0105941